Flashback 2019

For the first ever time, I sat down with my diary to review the year in retrospect. (And what a year it has been!) For the last few years, I had neither the energy nor the inclination to go over a handful of pleasant memories scattered over long, traumatic months. 2018 had been the fag end of that unpleasant time period, with many heartening developments, but not without its share of difficulties and anxieties.

2019 turned almost all of that unpleasantness on its head. 

The euphoria of realising what a richly fulfilling year it has been led me to compile this ‘flashback’ in pictures.

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Khijadiya Bird Sanctuary | January

On the morning of the 1st of January, I found myself standing at the entrance of Khijadiya Bird Sanctuary, on the outskirts of Jamnagar. How I landed there is a story for another day (which I shall tell shortly). I had a pleasant tingling sensation in my stomach, a gentle buzz of contentment. 


Entering 2019

At the entrance of Khijadiya Bird Sanctuary, Jamnagar

As I walked up the trail looking around at the salt pans and stretches of water, lesser flamingos and great white pelicans spread over what looked like an infinite stretch, I couldn’t help envy the residents of Jamnagar. Khijadiya was a breezy ride away from the city. After filling my eyes and heart with images of birds for three hours, I took the afternoon flight home. 

The vast, rustic expanse that stretches from the village slowly into a protected sanctuary for migrating birds

The vast, rustic expanse that stretches from the village slowly into a protected sanctuary for migrating birds

Common Cranes flying over babul trees found abundantly in the area

Great White Pelicans grace the freshwater side of the sanctuary



Biding its time

Finally I found a way to describe the size of a Common Kingfisher - as big as a thorn on the babul tree.

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Jaipur-Ranthambhore | February

This was a trip I had been planning for a few months. It was an opportunity to finally acquaint the family with one of my favourite cities (Jaipur) and wildlife destinations. I could visit both of them over and over and never get bored. After a day in Jaipur visiting the customary Amer, Jaigarh forts, City Palace and Hawa Mahal, we spent a weekend in Ranthambhore.


Amer Fort



Inside the Amer Fort

Tourists on an elephant ride

The gorgeous Hawa Mahal designed to look like Sri Krishna’s crown

Hundreds of Great White Pelicans among herons and egrets at Man Sagar Lake

A detailed photo story on Ranthambhore is here, but I’ll share a few of my favourite images here as well.

Starting the day’s safaris with a Rufous Treepie

A young tigress on her morning walk

A young mother famously known as ‘Arrowhead’ feeding herself on a deer kill.

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Chilika Lake | April

By now, I had begun to realise that special blessings were pouring in this year. As if to reaffirm this, a completely unexpected opportunity showed up. A dear friend (hat tip to you, Murali sir) invited me to join his team’s weekend trip to Odisha where we had the great fortune of a glorious darshan of Puri Jagannath on Yugadi (talk about another great New Year’s day) and a day at Chilika Lake admiring the stunning landscape and hordes of shore birds.

Chilika Lake, the second largest salt water lake in the world

Kalijai, one of the many islands on the lake.

Kalijai, one of the many islands on the lake.

Rowboats at Mangalajodi ferry tourists and birdwatchers around for a unique birdwatching experience

The Eastern Ghats form a backdrop to the waters of the lake inviting thousands of migrating birds every year

The Eastern Ghats form a backdrop to the waters of the lake inviting thousands of migrating birds every year

Glossy Ibis, adding a dash of brilliance to the already-colourful landscape.

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Food Photography | May

In a fit of inspiration, I signed up for a Food Photography workshop with Simi Jois, to challenge my creative cells into stepping out of a rut. I had been following Simi’s work on Instagram for a while, and was overjoyed when she announced a workshop on her visit to India. Not only did it open up a whole new facet of creativity but also made me develop a finer appreciation of what it takes to be a nature photographer. This section deserves a whole write-up for itself (another story lined-up!) but here’s a preview of photos taken at the workshop and my consequent attempts at home.


Spice board

Styled by Simi, this was our first practice activity at the workshop.


Summer special

The mango season essentials


The warmth of festivities

Best relished with traditional delicacies

Figs - when nature challenges its own creative templates


Farm to Table

An experiment with fresh organic produce

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Sirsi - Gokarna | May

The last week of May is the time to visit a temple or two from the family bucket list. This time it was the long overdue Marikamba temple at Sirsi and Gokarna Mahabala in Uttara Kannada district. The road trip through the scenic Western Ghats piercing their way right into the ocean was a soulful experience.

Sathoddi Falls, Sirsi

Evening at Gokarna


Kudlu Beach

A quiet beach surrounded by rocky outcrops

Monsoons were a break from travelling, but this was a time I spent on inner work - there was much journaling, writing, reading, new collaborations and work projects all of which came through after being in limbo for years. This website, for instance, had been in the works for many years before coming alive in a sudden rush this September. It was like a rusty gate had opened up after much heaving and creaking.

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Kanyakumari | October

Deepavali called for a short break with family at Anantya Resorts near Chittar Lake in Kanyakumari district. At the southernmost edge of the Western Ghats, the place is nestled on the bank of the lake with a beautiful view of the cloud-covered mountains. In the world of travel advertising we hear the phrase, ‘a relaxing escape’, over and over. Anantya is an epitome of that phrase. (Not a paid endorsement)

The rubber plantation at the resort


Fishing Boat

An early morning view from the resort’s restaurant


Thriparappu Mahadeva Temple

A beautiful temple on the bank of Kodiyar river


Thriparappu Falls

Displaying all the might of the monsoon

As the year draws to an end, taking stock of the sudden change in fortune has overwhelmed me even as I see more projects lined up on the horizon of 2020. I can feel the double breath of Janus upon my neck already.

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One thing is for sure. There will be a lot more stories and updates coming up here. I am sending out monthly updates in the form of newsletters starting this month. Do sign up if you like my work and would want to know the latest.

Here’s wishing everyone a glorious 2020!


Reliving Moments through Haiku


The Initiation