Swarajya Mag: Winter Birding in Ranganathittu

Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary, a group of islets in the River Kaveri near Mandya, is a chosen nesting site for hundreds of birds that fly in from Eurasia. A two-hour-drive for me. The ease of access from an urban metro makes us underplay its enormous significance and take this magical place for granted. It’s easy to discount our blessings. That’s why when I got an opportunity from Swarajya, to write about any place of natural interest, I chose to write about Ranganathittu, a place I have known and loved since childhood. A place I’ve grown to appreciate more and more.

Read the article from March 2018 here - The Spectacular Festival Of Avian Visitors: Glimpses From Ranganathittu

For more images, visit the image gallery for Ranganathittu.


Nightlife in the Tropical Rainforests - a blog feature